Hoof boot studs provide your horse better traction in slippery conditions such as ice, mud and snow.You can find instructions on how to fit the studs correctly in the video in the gallery.
- Things to keep in mind about hoof boot studs: Make sure your boots fit well and your horse is acclimated to wearing them before you apply studs
- Always apply studs to both boots for proper balance
- Do not turn horses out wearing studded boots. A frolicking horse can injure himself and others with studded boots
- When drilling, make sure the stud does not extend past the sole of the foot. This can especially be a problem on older boots with worn soles
- Use caution when using studs when the sole is thinner caused when boots become weared and teared . Studs may penetrate through the soles
- Always use your best judgment when going out for a ride in slippery conditions. Hoof boots provide extra traction, but they do have their limits
- Installation is easy
- Pre-drill 1/8 inch locator holes with a 3/16 inch drill bit. Lock stud into position on the end of the NEW AND IMPROVED tool. Position end of the stud tread over the drilled hole and slowly drill the stud
Technical description:
One size. Tool NOT included.
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